Get Involved
Whether you are visiting us from out of town, have recently moved, or have chosen to return to the Catholic faith, we believe that there are many ways for you to learn about and participate in our faith. Please take some time to learn more about Personal Discipleship, as well as our Liturgical Ministries and Non-Liturgical Ministries.
Personal Discipleship
​"To create a culture of witness, we must live explicit lives of discipleship. Fortunately, one does not become a disciple of Christ on his or her own initiative. The work of the Holy Spirit within the Christian community forms the person as a disciple of Christ. One seeking to learn how to be a disciple of Christ does so through apprenticeship. Those seeking to return to the faith are seeking to live a life of discipleship, to follow in the footsteps of Christ."
- USCCB "Disciples Called to Witness: Part IV"
Personal Discipleship is often broken down into the 3 T's: Time, Talent, and Treasure.
Time: What we set aside each week in prayer and volunteer activities.
Talent: How we use our God-given abilities for good.
Treasure: A percentage of our income that we give to support our parish.
Liturgical Ministries
​The source and summit of the Christian Life is the Mass. While the priest has the responsibility to celebrate Mass, there are many other duties that need to be undertaken by the body of Christ (the parishioners of the parish before, during and after Mass. One of the best ways to live out your personal discipleship is to participate in Liturgical Ministries. Some of these duties are visible to the congregation and some are more behind the scenes. The best Liturgical Ministry for you to join is the one that best aligns with your personal talents. To learn more about Liturgical Ministries at St. George, please click here.
Non-Liturgical Ministries
The life of any Catholic Church extends beyond the Mass. Parishioners engage socially and spiritually with each other in many ways, all for the benefit of each person and for the parish as a whole. Non-Liturgical Ministries are broken up into several categories, each serving a diverse and distinct group of people. We invite you to peruse our list of active Non-Liturgical Ministries to find the one (or few) that fit your social and spiritual needs. If you do not see a ministry that you desire to join, prayerfully consider starting your own ministry at St. George. To learn more about Non-Liturgical Ministries at St. George, please click here.