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Liturgical Ministries

God of Glory, your beloved Son has shown us that true worship comes from humble and contrite hearts.

Bless our brothers and sisters, who have responded to the needs of our parish and wish to commit themselves to your service as altar servers, lectors, eucharistic ministers, sacristans, ushers, and musicians.

Grant that their ministry may be fruitful and our worship pleasing in your sight.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.


- Book of Blessing (USCCB)



Sacristans carefully arrange the liturgical books, vestments, and other necessary items (cruets, chalices, ciboria, linens, oils, processional crosses, candles and torches) for the celebration of the Mass. 

If you would like to sign up, please click here.



Ushers are the first to "meet and greet" parishioners and guests to the Mass. In their service, Ushers assist in seating people as they enter the church, select a family for the presentation of gifts, coordinate the offertory collection, distribute bulletins, and assist the parishioners and clergy with any other needs. If you are interested in becoming an usher, please click here



Lectors provide a valuable service to our parish family. During the Liturgy of the Word during the Mass, lectors effectively, and clearly proclaim the Word of God. Any parishioner, who can comfortably and clearly proclaim the readings and psalms is welcomed to be trained so that they may serve St. George as a Lector. If you would like to sign up, please click here.


Altar Servers

Altar Servers provide an important function at St. George in their service at the Lord’s Table. Altar Servers are instructed on how to assist at Mass. Once trained, Altar Servers are added to the Mass rotation based on their availability. Depending on the number of Altar Servers available for each mass, they usually end up serving once or twice per month. The Ministry of Altar Server is open to boys and girls who have reached the fourth grade and to all other parishioners of any age. Arrangements may be made in the schedule to permit parents and children to serve at the same Mass. If you would like to sign up, please click here


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are laypersons who assist in the Mass by helping our Priests and Deacons distribute Holy Communion. Eucharistic Ministers also take the Eucharist to the homebound of our parish. This important ministry is open to all adult members of our parish. Once trained, Eucharistic Ministers receive a three year Commission from our Pastor to participate in this ministry. If you would like to sign up, please click here.


Music Ministry

If you sing or play a musical instrument, consider joining one of the choirs at St. George. The adult choir sings at all Masses and presents a concert on Christmas Eve at 11:30pm. The choir is also available for weddings and funerals. 

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